Addalyn Mae Bakken

On January 15, 2022 at 5:53 am, our angel baby, Addalynn Mae Bakken was born sleeping. She weighed 4 lbs 4.5oz. and was 18” long. She was absolutely perfect, sharing features of both her mommy and daddy.
Addalynn is survived by her parents, Payton Robinson of the home, and Ethan Bakken of Holdenville. She has one brother, Braxton Webster, also of the home.
Addalynn’s maternal grandparents are Lynn Martin and Bobby Robinson, Jr. of Holdenville, and paternal grandparents, Joseph and Jolene Bakken of Gerty and Connie Handley of Holdenville.
Maternal great-grandparents are Gloria Gentry of Seminole and Pauline Evans of Holdenville. Paternal great-grandparents are Alan and Denise Bakken of Ada. Uncle Stephen and Aunt Samantha Martin of Verden and Uncle Bobby Robinson III of Holdenville. Paternal uncles are Aaron Bakken, Wewoka; Jarrod Bakken, Lawrence KS; Josiah Bakken, Gerty and Elijah Wilbanks, Ada. She also has two aunts Summer Wilbanks, Calvin and JoHannah Bakken, Gerty.
Addalynn was preceded in death by her maternal great-grandfathers, Jimmy Mark Gentry, Sr., Bobby Robinson I, and infant cousin Tommy Lee Martin.
Preceded also by paternal great-grandfather Bob Handley, great-grandmother LaVon Bakken, and uncle, Jacob Bakken.
Funeral services will be held at New Life Church, Wewoka Oklahoma, on January 21, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. Interment will follow at the Allen Cemetery where she will be laid to rest next to her uncle, Jacob Bakken.
Funeral will be under the direction of Fisher Funeral Home of Holdenville OK.