For the second year in a row the Lady Mustangs will finish out their season at the State Tournament. The back-to-back appearance is the first in school history. Allen’s travel plans to OKC were set last Friday night in the Area Championship against Wright City. The girls started off a little wobbly before getting their nerves settled down. And once those nerves were settled it was off to the races for Allen.
Read moreJohn Rolard Birdwell – Passing in No Passing Zone Mason Cole Black – Driving Without a License Mason Cole Black – Speeding 36 mph & Over Isaiah Hudson Louis Carroll – Speeding 2125 mph Over Tommy R. Collins – Failure to Cover Load Susceptible to Blowing Chad L. Colungo – Failure to Properly Wear Seatbelt (Driver) Leonard James Cooper – Speeding 2125 mph Over Thomas W. Cooper – Inattentive Driving Resulting in Collision Rolland L. Forbes – Failure to Yield From a Private Drive Jayden S. Franklin – Speeding 16-20 mph Over Dylan James Hamlet – Speeding 36 mph & Over Marcos P. Mariano – Speeding 21-25 mph Over Gabriel J. Massey – Speeding 1-10 mph Over Scott C. Maverick – Speeding 21-25 mph Over Jeremy David McCoy – Speeding 16-20 mph Over Trey Robert M urphy – Speeding 11-15 mph Over Emmanuel R. Orduna – Failure to Properly Wear Seatbelt (Driver) Brandon L. Parker – Operating Vehicle at a Speed Greater than Reasonable or Proper Robert Allan Parker – Failure to Pay Taxes Due to State (Expired Tag) Dina Piper – Operating Vehicle at a Speed Greater than Reasonable or Proper Alexis G. Reyes Morales – Failure to Pay Taxes Due to State (Expired Tag) Edgar Tedeo Sereno – Operating Vehicle Without Valid Drivers License Douglas Lee Tatum – Speeding 16-20 mph Over Douglas Lee Tatum – Left of Center in No Passing Zone (While Passing) Douglas Lee Tatum – Failed to Stop at Stop Sign
Read moreclearing roadways and remove debris that was people’s homes. Among structures that were a total loss were Willis and Jamie Rinehart’s mechanic shop Allen Auto, Wally Lewis’ buildings including the ‘Old Ford Garage’ on Broadway have had substantial damage. DEQ and FEMA have been in town instructing how to help us remove and dispose of the debris. They have warned against the burning of material by residents. A debris field has been established in the field behind the Allen Fire Station. Your limbs may be piled there. A dumpster has been ordered for other storm related refuse; however, shingles, paint and tires cannot be disposed of at this location. As we work through this event, the town will work at getting limbs and things cleaned up. Allen is very appreciative of crews from PSO and PEC for restoring our power so quickly. Also, a very special thanks to the Allen Volunteer fire department. They worked all day at helping getting people the help they needed to get out of their driveways and roadways. We need to always remember these young men are VOLUNTEERS but are always eager to help. Police Chief Darrell Armstrong has been on duty helping out where he can, and we saw quite a bit of patrolling from our friends at the Pontotoc County Sheriff’s Department, with offeres to help us in any way we need. During this time, as always, check on your neighbors and the elderly. If they need help and you can’t assist them, please let them know at City Hall so that they can help route assistance to them.
Read moreA Tuesday early morning storm came roaring through Allen leaving a trail of debris, damaged roofs, damaged buildings and trees and limbs strown throughout town. The storm which most probably spun up an E1 tornado hit town around 5:30 a.m. Without much warning most citizens rode out the storm in their homes. Fortunately, there were no injuries resulting from the event. Once daylight hit the town employees, Allen Volunteer firefighters and other citizen volunteers began the task of
Read moreBaseball season is here, and the Allen Mustangs opened the season with a win over Sasakwa on Monday.
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